Rackspace Cloud Library

What is Cloud Management?

Cloud management can involve everything from deploying and managing web-based resources such as applications, databases, web content management systems and servers to ecommerce hosting solutions monitoring network performance, compliance and security. It can also encompass disaster recovery and contingency planning. Some businesses take a do-it-yourself approach to cloud management, while others hire a managed service provider such as Rackspace to manage some or all of their cloud environment.

Cloud management platforms differ depending on the type of cloud. Public clouds are managed by a public cloud service provider, who typically charges for their services on a pay-as-you-go basis. With private and hybrid clouds, businesses can manage their own cloud or hire a managed service provider to administer and support some or all of their cloud resources.

Why Use Cloud Management?

Access to Expertise

The biggest roadblock to cloud adoption is a lack of in-house expertise, according to the RightScale 2016 State of the Cloud report. A managed service provider can quickly supply the expertise you need.

Competitive Advantage

Companies can increase speed-to-market and benefit from access to cloud-based resources that are optimized for agility, flexibility and scalability.

Cost Savings

You might be able to reduce operating costs by eliminating data center investments and the need to hire specialized in-house IT staff.

Increased Security

Take advantage of managed virtual environments, firewalls and traffic monitoring services for expert help protecting your network and data.

How Can Rackspace Help?

Industry Leadership

As the world’s leading managed cloud company, Rackspace has the deep expertise and global resources that thousands of companies — including more than half of the Fortune® 100 — depend on each year.

Ecommerce Expertise

As the #1 hosting provider for the Internet Retailer Top 1,000 ecommerce websites, we have extensive experience hosting and supporting leading ecommerce environments like Magento, SAP® Hybris® and Oracle® Commerce.

Web Content Management

We have extensive web content management experience, and we’ve helped countless companies get the most out of their platforms, including Adobe® Experience Manager, Sitecore® Experience Platform and WordPress.

Private Cloud Support

When it comes to fully-managed private clouds, we can support your VMware® Private Cloud, Microsoft® Cloud Platform or OpenStack® Private Cloud — 24x7x365.

Managed Data Services

Need data analytics or database help? Our managed data services include managed relational databases, managed NoSQL databases and big data platforms like Hadoop® and Spark®.

Productivity and Collaboration

We provide around-the-clock support for popular productivity and collaboration tools such as Microsoft Office 365® and SharePoint®.

Is Cloud Management Right for Your Company?

Do-it-yourself cloud management is a viable option for some businesses, such as a small company with a single public cloud. Large technology companies with experienced cloud architects, engineers and IT support people on staff may also choose to use their in-house expertise. Most companies, however, can benefit from outsourcing some or all of their cloud management responsibilities.

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